Find Instagram Target Audience and Influencers
We make any data you can view on Instagram App available in spreadsheet for easy analysis.
Data Driven Instagram Marketing
We help you to get all the data and analytics to do your Social Media Marketing and outreach more efficiently.

Export Instagram or Twitter Followers to spreadsheet and filter for influencers by sorting follower counts or searching for keywords in bio. Filter for business profiles or verified profiles, get business contact information for outreach.
Export any Instagram or TikTok Hashtag posts to spreadsheet along with all the usernames who posted. Filter users based on total likes received to find influencers and target audience.

We support data analytics and export for Instagram, TikTok and Twitter to find the right target audience for effective social media marketing and outreach.
Download Instagram Followers
Export and analyze Instagram data on spreadsheet rather than scrolling on phone screen
Just give us the hashtag or username and we will export data and email you the spreadsheet for a fee. You can easily filter the spreadsheet on Excel or Google Sheets to sort by follower count or likes or even search for keywords in user bio or caption.

How Export Works?
- Select Export:
- Enter username/hashtag
- Confirm and make payment
- Wait for email with download link